Friday, September 28, 2012

Anatomical Terms/cards

T E R M  D E F I N I T I O N  T E R M  D E F I N I T I O N

Pertaining to the central part
of the body, the head
and trunk

Cephalic (se-FAL-ik)
Pertaining to the head

• Cranial
Pertaining to the portion of
the skull surrounding the

• Facial
Pertaining to the face

• Frontal
Pertaining to the forehead

• Orbital
Pertaining to the eye

• Otic (OH-tik)
Pertaining to the ear

• Nasal
Pertaining to the nose

• Buccal (BUCK-al)
Pertaining to the cheek

• Oral
Pertaining to the mouth

• Mental
Pertaining to the chin

• Occipital (ox-SIP-i-tal)
Pertaining to the back of

Pertaining to the neck

Pertaining to the chest

• Sternal
Pertaining to the breast bone

• Pectoral
Pertaining to the chest

• Mammary
Pertaining to the breast

Pertaining to the abdomen

• Umbilical (um-BIL-ih-cal)
Pertaining to the navel

• Coxal (COX-al)
Pertaining to the hip

Pertaining to the pelvis

• Pubic (PYOO-bik)
Pertaining to the genital area

Pertaining to the back

• Scapular
Pertaining to the shoulder
blade region

• Vertebral (ver-TEE-brul)
Pertaining to the spinal

• Lumbar
Pertaining to the area of the
back between the lowest
rib and buttocks.

Pertaining to the extremities or limbs

Upper Limb (Appendage):

• Acromial (a-KROM-ee-al)
Pertaining to the highest point
of the shoulder

• Axillary (AX-il-ary)
Pertaining to the armpit

• Brachial (BRAY-key-ul)
Pertaining to the arm

• Antecubital (an-tehKYOO-bi-tul)
Pertaining to the anterior
(front) surface of the elbow

• Olecranal (oh-LEK-ra-nul)
Pertaining to the posterior
(back) surface of the elbow

• Antebrachial
Pertaining to the forearm

• Carpal
Pertaining to the wrist

• Manual
Pertaining to the hand

• Palmar
Pertaining to the palm of
the hand

• Digital
Pertaining to the digits (fingers)

Lower Limb (Appendage)
• Inguinal (ING-won-ul)
Pertaining to the groin where
the thigh attaches to the

• Gluteal (GLUE-tee-ul)
Pertaining to the buttocks

• Femoral (FEM-or-ul)
Pertaining to the thigh

• Patellar (pa-TEL-ur)
Pertaining to the anterior
(front) surface of the knee

• Popliteal (pop-lih-TEE-ul)
Pertaining to the posterior
(back) surface of the knee

• Crural (CROO-rul)
Pertaining to the anterior
(front) surface of the leg

• Fibular (FIB-you-lur) or
peroneal (peh-RONE-ee-ul)
Pertaining to the lateral side
of the leg

• Sural (SIR-ul)
Pertaining to the posterior
(back) surface of the leg

• Tarsal (TAR-sul)
Pertaining to the ankle

• Pedal
Pertaining to the foot

• Plantar
Pertaining to the sole of foot

• Calcaneal (kal-KANE-ee-ul)Pertaining to the heel
• Digital
Pertaining to the digits (toes)

Allen, Connie; Harper, Valerie (2010-12-23). Laboratory Manual for Anatomy and Physiology, 4th Edition (Page 2). John Wiley & Sons, Inc.. Kindle Edition.

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