Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Objectives Set 1

Objective set 1

Chapter 1
Introduction and Homeostasis (Lecture notes):
  1. Define the term anatomy.
  2. Define the term physiology.
  3. What does the phrase, “form follows function” mean?
  4. Name and describe the seven (7) levels of structural organization covered in lecture.

  1. What are the seven (7) different characteristics that describe life?
  2. Define the term homeostasis.
  3. What is meant by the term “dynamic equilibrium”?
  4. Describe the concept of homeostasis using blood glucose levels as an example.
  5. What is the percentage of fluid in a typical adult human body?
  6. How many liters of fluid are typically found in an adult human body?
  7. Describe the different body fluid compartments and what proportion of the total body fluids is found in each compartment.

  1. What is intracellular fluid?
  2. What is extracellular fluid and name the compartments it is subdivided into.
  3. What fluid compartment does your body have the most direct control over?
  4. Name and describe the three (3) components found in a typical control mechanism.

  1. Give some examples of a receptor.
  2. What is the function of the control center?
  3. What is the function of an effector? Give some examples.
  4. Describe the overall process of the control of homeostasis as illustrated in figures 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4 of your textbook.

  1. Name two kinds of control systems. Give some examples of each type (see figures 1.3 & 1.4)

  1. Describe the difference between the two types of control systems.
  2. Which system is the most common in the human body?
  3. What are the two major organ systems that regulate and control body activities?
  4. Describe the general characteristics of each organ system.
  5. Name and give a short description of the function of the eleven (11) major organ systems of the human body (table 1.2).

  1. Be able to name and identify the following body regions (Figure 1.5):
    1. Head (cephalic)
    2. Neck (cervical)
    3. Chest (thoracic)
    4. Trunk
    5. Abdomen
    6. Pelvis
    7. Pubis (pubic)
    8. Back (dorsal)
    9. Loin (lumbar)
    10. Buttock (gluteal)
    11. Upper limb
    12. Lower limb

  1. Be able to name and describe the following directional terms (Figure 1.6):
    1. Lateral
    2. Medial
    3. Contralateral
    4. Ipsilateral
    5. Proximal
    6. Distal
    7. Superior
    8. Inferior
    9. Superficial
    10. Deep
    11. Anterior
    12. Posterior
    13. Cephalic (cranial)
    14. Caudal

  1. Be able to name and describe the following planes and sections (Figure 1.7 & 1.8):
    1. Frontal plane
    2. Transverse plane (cross section, horizontal plane)
    3. Parasagittal plane
    4. Midsagittal plane
    5. Oblique plane
    6. Transverse section
    7. Frontal section
    8. Midsagittal section

  1. Be able to name and describe the following body cavities (Figure 1.9):
    1. Dorsal body cavity
    2. Ventral body cavity
    3. Cranial cavity
    4. Vertebral canal
    5. Thoracic cavity
    6. Abdominopelvic cavity
    7. Abdominal cavity
    8. Pelvic cavity

  1. Within the thoracic cavity be able to name and identify the following spaces (Figure 1.10):
    1. Mediastinum
    2. Pericardial cavity
    3. Right and left pleural cavities

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